The Hidden Danger in Your Outdoor Gear: Forever Chemicals
Recently, there’s been a lot of talk about “forever chemicals” found in water-repellent outdoor clothing. These chemicals are toxic and linked to cancer. After diving deep into this topic, I
Top 10 Campsites in California: Free, Cheap, and Expensive
It’s incredible to think that in just one state, you can camp up high in the snow, down low in thick green forests, in deserts or at the beach. California
10 Best Survival Gadgets for Camping and Outdoors
When heading into the great outdoors, having the right survival gadgets can make all the difference between a smooth adventure and unexpected challenges. From navigating tough terrains to staying prepared
Stop Making These 6 Common Trekking Pole Mistakes
I often see a lot of hikers using trekking poles incorrectly which causes two major problems, the first one is that they aren’t used efficiently and the second problem can
5 Major Mistakes Every Hiker Should Avoid
We all have that one friend who just doesn’t like hiking and chances are that they don’t like it because they made one of these five beginner hiking mistakes. Starting
How to Avoid Hiking Blisters: My 3 Years of Experience
When I was new to hiking I used to get a ton of blisters but then I learned that you’re supposed to get good hiking shoes and Marino wool socks.
10 Best Camping hacks that really works
Camping is an incredible way to escape the hustle of daily life and reconnect with nature, but I think not without its challenges. From staying comfortable in the wilderness to
10 Wild Camping Tips in Europe 2025
Let’s go over 10 wild camping tips for wild camping in Europe that I’ve gathered over the years from wild camping in Norway Sweden Finland the baltics Spain France and
8 Amazing Places to Experience Wild Camping in Europe
Sometime wild camping in Europe is completely legal, other times it’s banned in theory but not really and other times unfortunately it’s completely banned and even enforced so if you’re